Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Paper About Daily Activities of Nurses in Hospital.

1. 0 INTRODUCTION I propose to study the attitude, knowledge and experiences of nurses on prioritizing comfort measures in care of the dying patient in an acute hospital setting. I am particularly interested in this field as I worked in a hospice during semester break where palliative care of the dying concentrated on the quality of life of the patient. When the prognosis for the patient was imminent death, care was focused on reducing the severity of the disease symptoms rather than vainly trying to stop or delay development of the disease itself or provide a cure. When the prognosis for a patient is imminent death, hospice care concentrates on the quality of life of the patient, reducing the severity of the disease symptoms rather than vainly trying to treat the disease itself. To assist in delivery of this type of quality end-of-life care to patients in acute hospitals the Alor Setar Hospital developed a Hospice Friendly Hospital programme (HFH). This HFH developed the Quality Standards for End-of-Life Care in Hospitals to set out a shared vision for the type of end-of life care that each hospital should aim to provide. This development is significant as almost 50% of those who die in Kedah die in hospital and care of the dying in Alor Setar hospitals, while regarded as good, is described as ‘care at the end of life’ rather than ‘end-of-life care’ because the care seems to lack an effective palliative care component† LITERATURE REVIEW To investigate international perspectives on end-of-life care, the current international literature was reviewed using the key themes of identifying the dying phase, comfort care and symptom control for the dying patient. It was conclude from the literature review that nurses and medical staff often differed in their approach to care of the dying patient and this hindered effective delivery of end-of-life-care. Education on end-of-life care was recommended in the literature as being a solution to the problems in delivering this care even though research had not been done on the status quo in education. RESEARCH PROBLEM Before planning such specific education programmes, it would seem necessary to conduct research studies to establish the education and training levels of nurses and doctors in end-of-life care and to establish if attitudes and experience also influence the medical and nursing models in the delivery of this care. This research proposal is concerned with the nursing model and it proposes to establish what influences the nurse’s approach in delivering end-of-life care. METHODOLOGY A quantitative approach using a descriptive design is proposed for this study. Questionnaires will be used as the data collection method with a simple random sample of 200 staff nurses employed in a Alor Setar hospital being selected as participants in the study. RESEARCH QUESTION The research problem leads to the following research question: â€Å"What are the attitude, knowledge and experience of nurses on prioritizing comfort measures for dying patients in an acute hospital? † OBJECTIVES (i) To establish the attitude of nurses on prioritizing comfort measures for dying patients. ii) To establish if nurses’ knowledge of prioritizing comfort measures for dying patients is adequate. (iii) To establish if nurses’ experience in prioritizing comfort measures for dying patients is significant. 2. 0 METHODOLOGY Introduction to Research Methodology The methodology selected for the proposed study will be detailed here. The planned research design, methods of sample selection, data collection and analysis of results will be explained. Ethical consi derations for this particular research study will also be detailed. It is hoped that the chosen methodology will generate useful information through the collection and analysis of data on the attitude, knowledge and experiences of staff nurses on the effect of comfort measures in care of the dying patient in the acute hospital setting. Research Design The research design of a study outlines the basic approach that researchers use to answer their research question (Polit & Beck 2010). To meet the aims and objectives of the study it is important that the researcher selects the most appropriate design for achieving the aims of the study (Parahoo 2006). The quantitative approach arises from the belief that human phenomena and variables in human behaviour can be studied objectively (Parahoo 2006) and so this approach has been chosen as an appropriate research method. Quantitative research uses a fixed design that organises in advance the research question and a detailed method of data collection and analysis (Robson 2007). It is proposed that this survey will collect details of the current attitude, knowledge and experience of nurses on comfort care of the dying patient. The method of data collection chosen is a written questionnaire, allowing large sample size without major expense, to produce quantitative data that can be analysed by statistical computer programmes, Population/sample Parahoo (2006, p. 258) defines a population as â€Å"the total number of units from which data can potentially be collected†. The population in this study will be staff nurses working in the acute hospital setting in Ireland. This population will be delimited to a homogenous group of subjects through inclusion/exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria †¢ Registered general staff nurses who work in the acute-care setting. Exclusion criteria †¢ Staff nurses working with children †¢ Agency staff nurses Staff nurses, fitting the above criteria, from a large Dublin acute hospital will be chosen as a smaller convenience group of the target population. It is then proposed to select a simple random probability sample (from the convenience sample). Proctor et al. (2010) maintain that the use of probability sampling in quantitative research reduces errors and biases in the study. Sampling is the process by which researchers select a proportion of the target population, as the study population, to represent the entire unit. It is more practical and economical to work with samples rather than with large target populations (Polit & Beck 2010). The researcher will obtain the names of all eligible nurses from the Human Resources Department in the hospital. This list of nurses will form a sample frame from which the researcher will select nurses at random by assigning a number to each name and ‘picking the numbers out of a hat’. Data collection Quantitative data are collected to classify and describe attributes, behaviours and activities of populations according to Parahoo (2006). Data collection should be objective, systematic and repeatable (Lacey 2010). Robson (2007) maintains that a researcher should use the simplest manner of collecting the data to get answers to the research question and should not collect any more data than necessary. Mindful of these conditions the data collection instrument selected for this study is a questionnaire. Questionnaires A questionnaire is a method of data collection that asks participants to give written or verbal replies to a written set of questions (Parahoo 2006). It is a quick,convenient and inexpensive method of collecting standardised information . A questionnaire can be used to collect information on attitudes,knowledge and experience of staff (Parahoo 2006). A structured writtenquestionnaire that uses a quantitative self-report technique, as outlined by Polit & Beck (2010), will be used to collect data in this study. The questionnaire will have three parts (see Appendix ). Part A of the questionnaire will use a Likert-type scale to gather data on the attitudes of nurseson the effect of comfort in care of the dying. The questionnaire will consist of positively and negatively worded statements with six different response options ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Positive statements are scored one to six (one for strongly agree through to six for strongly disagree) and scores are reversed for negative statements. The score for each item will be reported individually. Parts B and C will use a fill the box format and will gather data on the knowledge and experience of nurses on comfort care of the dying respectively. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION According to Polit and Beck (2010), researchers must deal with ethical issues when their intended research involves human beings. Ethical approval will be requested in writing from the Director of Nursing (as gatekeeper) and the Hospital Ethics Committee of the hospital involved in the research . As gatekeeper, the director of Nursing must be made aware of all nursing research taking place in the organisation to monitor the effect of all such projects taking place. She will also need to be convinced of the value of the research and the competency of the researcher (Lee 2005). The main ethical principles that will be considered in conducting this research study are respect for persons, confidentiality and beneficence /non-maleficence. 3. 0 PROPOSED OUTCOME Following this proposed study, a report will be compiled discussing all aspects of the research process including the results, limitations and benefits. It is anticipated that the results of the study will give an indication of nurses’ attitude, knowledge and experience in the domain of comfort care of the dying in Ireland and indicate where interventions are needed through education, training or management. It is also anticipated that the findings of the research study will reveal if other factors such as attitude or experience impact on the effective delivery of care of the dying patient. It is anticipated that these results will contribute to recommendations in future nursing practice, nurse education and research and that this will in turn move palliative care higher up on the agenda of the nursing profession in general. This study will have limitations as it will be conducted in only one acute hospital. It will give a general overview of the current attitude, knowledge and experience of nurses in this hospital. The researcher recommends that other studies, both quantitative and qualitative be carried out in hospitals in other Irish cities so that a more general picture could be established of end-of-life nursing care in acute hospitals in Ireland. Qualitative research is explanatory and descriptive in nature and so it could help in determining the nature of the phenomena being studied (Barroso, 2010) and consequently give a more complete picture of care of the dying. It is the intention of the researcher to share the findings of the study with management of the partaking hospital and the schools of nursing and midwifery in Ireland. It is hoped that this will highlight the necessity of planning on-going education and training for nurses in end-of-life care. To present the research report to a broader audience the researcher intends applying for publication of the study report in relevant nursing journals. Time Scale A clear and practical time scale is necessary to facilitate the organisation and coordination of each stage of the research process and the successful integration of the stages (Cormack, 1991). An 18 month period is proposed as the time frame for this study and a detailed integrated time plan is included in appendix . Resources An estimated budget account for the proposed study is outlined in appendix. 4. 0 APPENDIX Part A: Questionnaire on attitudes Directions: Write your opnion whether agree or not. 1. Nurses are capable of identifying that a patient is dying. 2. I would not like the responsibility of identifying a patient as dying. 3. Nurses cannot cease routine care for the dying patient without permission from a doctor. 4. The length of time taken to care for a dying patient is vitally important. 5. Nurses should not give dying patients honest answers about their condition. 6. End stage palliative care does not do anything for the patient. 7. The focus of care should be adapted when death becomes imminent. 8. When a patient has been identified as dying a ‘do not resuscitate order’ should be placed on his/her chart. 9. Nurses play a key role in helping patients die in comfort. 10. Comfort care for the dying patient should not replace routine nursing practice. 11. I would not like to care for a dying patient. 12. Comfort care will enhance the dying patient’s quality of life. 13. Specialist palliative care teams are never necessary to deal with a dying patient. 14. Symptom control for the dying patient is not the nurse’s responsibility. 15. When nursing a dying patient it is good practice, when possible, to frequently ask them about symptom control. 16. Symptom control guidelines are necessary for delivering optimal end-of-life care. 17. Nurses cannot manage symptom control in the dying phase. 18. The dying patient’s physical needs should be decided by them when possible. 19. Dignity of a patient is not more important that effective care. 20. Administration of opioids by means of a syringe driver is often an essential measure in symptom control. Part B: Knowledge Questionnaire Please answer all the following questions by ticking the appropriate box to indicate the answer you consider to be correct. Tick one box only. 1. The decision that a patient is dying should be made by a multidisciplinary team. Correct __ Incorrect__ 2. There is a need for specialist palliative care teams to be involved with every dying patient. Correct__ Incorrect__ 3. The dying person should not be allowed to make decisions about his/her physical care. Correct__ Incorrect__ 4. Treatment procedures should be continued even when the patient is dying. Correct__ Incorrect__ 5. Routine nursing practice should not take precedence over a patient’s comfort. Correct__ Incorrect__ 6. Dehydration is a normal part of the dying process. Correct__ Incorrect__ 7. Frequent repositioning of a dying patient is not always desirable. Correct__ Incorrect__ 8. When a patient is diagnosed as dying current medication should be reassessed and non-essentials discontinued. Correct__ Incorrect__ 9. Use of opioids is appropriate to control pain for the dying patient. Correct__ Incorrect__ 10. Symptoms of increased chest secretions and terminal agitation are unavoidable in dying patients. Correct__ Incorrect__ 1. Regulation of bowel movements is often a problem for a dying patient. Correct__ Incorrect__ 12. Retention of urine is more likely than urine incontinence in the dying patient. Correct__ Incorrect__ 13. All dying patients will be at high risk of skin breakdown. Correct__ Incorrect__ 14. Breathless is a common symptom in the dying phase. Correct__ Incorrect__ 15. Gene ral comfort care should not take precedence over skin care. Correct__ Incorrect__ 16. Maintaining a fluid balance record for the dying patient is important. Correct__ Incorrect__ 17. The dying patient should not be coaxed to eat. Correct__ Incorrect__ 18. It is appropriate to control pain in the dying phase by use of both analgesia and sedation. Correct__ Incorrect__ 19. An acute episode in a chronically ill patient may represent a terminal event. Correct__ Incorrect__ 20. Reducing the respiratory rate can relieve breathlessness for the dying patient by reducing anxiety. Correct__ Incorrect__ Part C: Experience survey Section 1 Please answer each question by ticking the appropriate box. 1. Please indicate your number of years nursing experience. 1-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years >20 years 2. Have you received pre-registration education in end-of-life care? Yes No 3. Have you received post-registration education in end-of-life care? Yes No Section 2 35 The following section concerns your experience in delivering comfort care to dying patients. Please indicate your answer to the question by placing a number in the box which corresponds to your experience (see answer guide). Answer guide: 0 1 2 3 4 5 never 1– 5 times 5–10 times 10–15 times 15– 20 times > 20 times 1. I have been present as a nurse when a patient has died. 2. I have been in charge of nursing care for a dying patient. 3. I have used an integrated care pathway for end-of-life care. 4. I have been part of an interdisciplinary team that identified a patient as dying. 5. I have collaborated with an interdisciplinary team in delivering end-of-life care for a dying patient. 6. I have nursed a dying patient with a do not resuscitate order. 7. I have set up a syringe driver for subcutaneous administration of anticipatory prescribed medications to a dying patient. 8. I have administered prescribed opiate drugs to a dying patient to control pain. 9. I have administered prescribed drugs to a dying patient to control respiratory secretions. 0. I have administered prescribed drugs to a dying patient to control breathlessness. 11. I have been involved in cessation of artificial hydration for a dying patient. 12. I have been involved in cessation of artificial feeding for a dying patient. 13. I have dealt with nausea and vomiting episodes for a dying patient. 14. I have managed constipation problems for a dying pat ient. 15. I have inserted a urinary catheter to manage urine retention for a dying patient. 16. When caring for a dying patient I have been involved making the decision to cease routine care and focus on comfort care. 7. I have managed physical comfort measures for a dying patient with the provision of an air mattress. 18. I have discussed the prognosis of dying with a patient in the dying phase 19. I have acted as advocate for a dying patient when he/she needed their wishes to be heard regarding treatment. 20. I have negotiated a cessation of diagnostic interventions for a dying patient Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. I sincerely value the important contribution that you have made to knowledge development in this area.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture In everyone’s life, there are people. Some of these people walk in our lives for a second, only to run right out. While others walk in and leave a mark on our hearts. Sometimes this mark only lasts for a little while and then slowly fades away, but other times, this mark lasts for a lifetime. There is one man in my life who has made a distinct mark on my heart — a mark that was created the first time he picked me up and held me in his arms. This mark has lasted ever since then. This man is my dad. My dad is an amazing man.He has taught me an awful lot in my fourteen years. He was the man who taught me how to ride my bike. He would hold on to my handlebars and run by my side as I pedaled. Though I feared that I would get hurt, I trusted my dad and knew that he would never let me fall. When he thought that I was ready, he would let go and watch me ride, making sure I would not tumble over. Although, when I did, he was by my side in a second, picking me up and dusting the dirt off my arms and legs. He would then stand my bike back up and we would try it again and again.With his help, I learned how to never give up. This lesson is not only important while riding a bike, but it is also critical when it comes to life experiences. If you mess up, you have to keep trying. You should not become frustrated and quit. My dad also taught me about money. â€Å"If you don’t need it, don’t buy it† is his motto. Though most of my friends love to shop, because of my dad’s words, I have never found it that eexciting . This applies to other material goods besides clothes. It is important to realize that simply wanting something is not enough.You should not merely collect items that you do not need. There are people in this world who have nothing. Therefore, when being given the oopportunity to shop, you should not buy everything that meets the eye. When I was younger, my dad and I enjoyed playing games together. One of the games he taught me how to play was chess. In chess there is a strategy. I learned this by watching my dad play. Some times, while we would play, I would get bored and start moving my pieces to whatever spot was open. I soon realized that you should not move the pieces randomly or you will lose.With the help of my dad, I learned how to think things through and plan things out. I learned that in order to succeed, one should think situations through, but have fun. One of my dad’s hobbies is planning vacations. Every year he plans a family trip for the summer. A few years ago, we traveled to Europe. While visiting France, we came across many unique foods. I am not fond of trying new things, but my dad taught me that the worst that can happen is I will not like it. Some of the foods that I tried were not the best, and I probably will never try them again.However, there were some foods, like crepes, that were absolutely delicious and I am glad that he was there to talk me into try ing something new. Another vacation he planned was to Hawaii. While in Hawaii, we all went snorkeling. At first I was scared that I would not be able to breathe, but my dad told me that was why we used a snorkel. I learned how to rely on something else to breathe. In life, this is like depending on others. It is important to learn how to do things on your own, but it is okay to need a helping hand every once in a while. My dad has always been there for me.He is always there to lend a hand. My dad is such an inspiration to me. Tthroughout my life he has been there for me, supporting me and cheering me on. Whether it is in sports or school, he is always there for me, encouraging me to do my best. My dad and I are inseparable. I am so grateful to be able to have a dad like him to lean on when I need help. I can always count on him to make me laugh when I am feeling down, to pick me up when I am hurt, and to help me find the answer when I have a question. There will always be a place fo r him in my heart. He has made a mark that will last a lifetime.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Problems In The Gym Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problems In The Gym - Essay Example The windows are always opened with some trees planted outside to increase circulation of fresh air in the hall. The equipments are adjustable in order to accommodate a variety of users thus creating comfort when using without straining. Ramage and Bean suggest that everything with merits never lacks some demerits, there are some negative attributes associated with this gym (34). These are some of the things that create discomfort in durations that I am working out in the gym. However, the things can be tolerated, in order to concentrate with their routine activities. On the other hand, some of these problems are difficult to deal with and avoid. One of these things is the fact that sometimes the gym can be intimidating when one is surrounded by unfamiliar people starring. This brings a feeling of discomfort, and it can result to distressing feelings especially when a person is new in the place. The other discomfort arises when one is surrounded by sweaty people who are deeply involve d in their working out routine. Sometimes the place becomes humid causing difficulties in breathing properly especially when one is lifting a heavyweight. The other problem is related with fear of hurting yourself with the heavyweights through accidents. This also created a lot of discomfort when lifting heavy weight. One of the ideas that have contributed to my positive perception towards the gym is the fact that the place looks organized. This is a point that can be support by the idea that if a place looks attractive to the eyes then a person is motivated to be related with that thing or place. That is the reason for the feeling of comfort whenever am in the gym; therefore, the feeling of doing something that contributes to my well-being also contributes to my happiness (The American Council on Exercise, 1). The other point is related to the comfort felt when handling various equipments in the gym. Given that some of the equipments in the gym carry a lot of weight, one may end up hurting their palms if there is no gripping pad fitted on the equipments, or if they are worn out without being replaced. Therefore, I find the place particularly impressive see that the gym equipments are maintained well to facilitate the comfort in using the equipments. The other points related to the fresh are circulating in the hall due to the opened windows. There are of the gyms that have been fitted with equipment beyond their carrying capacity, and this makes the place to have reduced air circulation. Therefore, this is impressive to find that the gym is organized in a way that the air is circulating well for everyone. In order to discuss the way I deal with the challenges in the gym, there is a need to focus on the problem is related to a feeling of intimidation, when a person is staring. I find the behavior of starring being rude though people do it in one way or the other. When a person is staring they are obviously thinking something about how a person looks or what one is doing. This makes people think that they are not using the equipment in the right way, or maybe a person is doing something wrong. This problem is eventually dealt with as one continues to use the equipments and gains the confidence in what they are doing.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Religious Coexistence in Israel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religious Coexistence in Israel - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the Jews draw their inheritance from the Hebrews and Israelites. Arabs and Jews have a long history of contact between each other from various periods: Hebrew, Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman, Byzantine, and Persian eras. And even during the rise of the Islam religion during the 7th and 8th centuries, Arabs and Jews continued to co-exist in extensive geographical domains from Morocco to some parts of China (16; De Lange 143). After many centuries have passed, another two religious groups cropped up in Israel, which further proved that religious co-existence is possible in Israel, and even in America. Today, the Christian denomination and the Druze population continue to peacefully co-exist with the Arabs and the Jews. Reiteratively, religious co-existence can progress in Israel. The Jewish Population The population of the Jews is scattered between Israel and the Western World. Majority of the citizens of Israel are Jewish, and a large proportion of this population prac tices Judaism. And despite the gradual and continuous rise of the Arab population, the Jews remain progressive even in the midst of the issue of religious co-existence (Stillman 91). The focus of this paper is bent on the Israeli Jews who are residing in the state of Israel. Israel, a Jewish state, is home to nearly 50% of world’s total Jewish population. ... ignificant Israeli-Jew population that is spread between the Haredi and Hilonim Jewish civilizations employ the adherence to secular way of life, thereby contributing further to the religious diversity of the Jewish population in Israel (Scherman 17; Halper 32). In a recent survey conducted by Pittinsky et al. (2), the Jews manifest positive outlook on having to religiously co-exist with Arabs (Steiner and Berkley 129). While there is no reference to other religious groups such as the Christian denomination and the Druze population, 73% of the Jewish citizens expressed affirmative opinion of religious co-existence, with 57.5% who agree and 15.5% tends to agree (2). The Muslim Population As aforementioned, the Arab (Muslim) population has a long history of contact with the Jews; nevertheless, not too much with the Christians and the Druze, at least, in Israel. Jerusalem is the area of concentration for Muslims in Israel (Abu-Nimer 166; Lerner 12). As a matter of fact, Mount Moriah, wh ich is in Israel, is the location of Jewish temples and Islam temples. This is only one of the many indications of how the religious co-existence between the Jewish and Muslim populations progressed for so many years (Lewis 28; Hillman 27). Majority of the Muslims in Israel are Sunni Arabs. Their domination supported and assured the importance and meaning of Islam as the leading religion in the region (Abu-Nimer 166; Lewis 52). The capture of the Palestine by the British people and the ensuing Balfour Declaration paved the way for the influx of a considerable population of Jews in the Palestine who commenced to incline the balance toward Judaism (Kadushin 203; Steinberg 36). In the recent decades, a more progressive development graced the state as Muslims in Israel were allowed to implement

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ella's Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ella's Family - Essay Example These include the doctor, the patient and the patient’s family. The situation is even further complicated when the different members of the patient’s family don’t agree with regard to what is the best decision to make. This seems to be the case with Ella’s family where her decision with regard to how her treatment and end of life should be handled differs with her husband. Her family also seems to be in disagreement. With terminal illness comes the choice of death for the patient and sometimes the doctor. This comes with a number of social and cultural issues. Many cultures have not internalized the idea of doctor aided patient death for terminal patients. While the doctor may decide that it is better for the patient to stop her treatment and die with dignity, the patient and the family may ask that the patient continues with treatment until she dies a natural death (Wheatley and Baker, 2007). Even in cases where the patient may decide to have a physician-aided end of life, her family may not agree, especially due to cultural beliefs about death and life. In Ella’s case, this seems to be the case. Her husband of Indian decent does not seem to be very open with the idea of her stopping to take treatment and eventually ending her life. There are various medical issues that arise in cases such as Ellas. First, the doctors must be able to understand that they have to take the wellbeing of the patient in a serious manner. It is necessary for the doctor involved in the situation to make sure that the best medical outcome is achieved. In a case where the patient is in a terminal condition, the doctor has to make sure that the patient is willing to go on with the treatment, it should be the patient’s choice that it most relevant (Garrett, 1993). The doctor has to face the difficult decision of having to tell the paint and those who care about her (family, friends)

Friday, July 26, 2019

Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Outsourcing - Essay Example This paper shall begin by defining outsourcing and then describing the different forms of outsourcing. Next it shall outline why organizations opt to outsource and how they select what to or not to outsource. The paper shall then dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing from two perspectives: from the point of view of a company and from the point of view of our country, the United States of America. 2.0. Definition of outsourcing Outsourcing has been defined differently by different authors. Overby (1) defines it as the farming out of services to a third party and Lee (323) as the process of turning over part or all of an organization’s functions to external service provider(s). Everett (1) defines outsourcing is a leveraged business model that allows flexible use of the most appropriate resources for a particular project whereas Strassman (51) views it from a completely different angle and defines outsourcing as the distribution of labor and knowledge through specialization. Nevertheless, all these authors concur that outsourcing is deployed for purpose of gaining economic, technological and strategic benefits. Often, people confuse outsourcing with offshoring, which should not be the case. Offshoring, as we shall see in the other sections of this paper is a subset of outsourcing. 3.0. Types of outsourcing There are several types of outsourcing depending on the classification system used. Knowing the classification system and type of outsourcing vendor aides the organization in devising rules of engagement, deliverables and service level agreements. 3.1. Think 180 outsourcing classification The first form of classification system that we... The paper throws light on outsourcing. Overby defines it as the farming out of services to a third party and Lee as the process of turning over part or all of an organization’s functions to external service provider(s). Everett defines outsourcing is a leveraged business model that allows flexible use of the most appropriate resources for a particular project whereas Strassman views it from a completely different angle and defines outsourcing as the distribution of labor and knowledge through specialization. Nevertheless, all these authors concur that outsourcing is deployed for purpose of gaining economic, technological and strategic benefits. Often, people confuse outsourcing with offshoring, which should not be the case. Offshoring, as we shall see in the other sections of this paper is a subset of outsourcing. There are several types of outsourcing depending on the classification system used. Knowing the classification system and type of outsourcing vendor aides the organi zation in devising rules of engagement, deliverables and service level agreements. The first form of classification system that we shall look at has been developed by a firm called Think180. The former looks at the level to which the outsourced function is integrated with company operations, and whether the vendor participates in the meetings and decisions of the business while the latter looks at the entity that receives the results of the outsourced function.

Why the Labout Party Took Long to Make Itself Electable after 1979 Essay

Why the Labout Party Took Long to Make Itself Electable after 1979 - Essay Example The Labour party was founded on democratic socialism. As a result, it had close affiliations with trade unions (Lyman 1957). As a matter of fact, the party was founded so as to fight for the rights of the workers. The party rose from its humble beginnings in 1990 to form its first government under Prime Minister Clement Attlee. Labour party was in office from 1945-1951. This government was the most radical of all British governments to have come into office in the 20th Century. It strived to implement the theories espoused by John Maynard Keynes, among others. This government nationalized key industries where it had majority stake. An example of such industries was banking; where the bank of England was taken back by the government. The same case happened with mining, telecommunications and transport, steel, railway and canals industries. They believed the government had to have a hand in the running of vital industries, an idea that seems so out of place in the era of rapid privatiz ation (Lyman 1957). The Attlee government also instituted the N.H.S (National Health Service). This is a program of socialized medicine that is the envy of the world today. This scheme made affordable healthcare accessible to the extremely poor people in the society. The Attlee government was also behind the slow dismantling of the British Empire. Independence was granted to several colonies, most notably India, the jewel in Britain’s imperial crown. The party went on to lose the 1951 general election to the Conservatives, and spent several years in opposition until Labour’s Harold Wilson was elected Prime Minister in 1964. Harold Wilson’s administration also reinforced the idea of ‘labour’ as the true Leftist party by putting in place sweeping social and educational reforms. Key among them was the legalization of abortion and homosexuality. On the educational front, comprehensive education was made accessible to millions through the creation of the Open University. This is another idea that has been replicated by the rest of the world. Even with such positive changes, Labour party was voted out of office in 1970. The party had inherited a large trade deficit that triggered a currency crisis in which the pound was severely weakened. The party was to return to power again in 1976 under James Callaghan. This administration was tirelessly trying to battle the economic crisis present at that time. It ruled with a slight majority in the Commons. Internally, the party was split down the middle over Britain’s membership of the European Economic Community, E.E.C. The issue had to go to referendum. The public showed its overwhelming support for Britain’s continued membership with a two thirds majority. By this time, inflation stood at a staggering 23%. The government successfully lowered inflation by a policy of wage restraint to a rate of 7%. However, this brought cracks in the relationship between Labour and the trade u nions who wanted wages to move only in one direction, up. To shelter ordinary Britons from this economic storm, the Labour government presided an era of rising pensions coupled with massive subsidies on food items (Lyman 1957). This was aimed at to protecting the tiny incomes that had already been decimated by inflation in the rest of the economy. The government sauntered on and introduced several welfare schemes to protect the extremely poor. Pensions of the disabled were significantly increased, and employment legislation ensured that people could be hired even for a short time. Pregnant women were also granted leave. Workplace inspection was prioritized to prevent workers from hazardous working conditions. Unfair dismissal was also curbed through Industrial Tribunals. While the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A review and literary assessment of the short story Everyday Use by Research Paper

A review and literary assessment of the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker - Research Paper Example They ended up shining a light for generations of readers. The work that this paper aims to review is one of those papers that were done by one of today’s greatest writers and tells a very intriguing and provocative story in a sublet way. IT presents certain details when needed but also leaves out things in order to provoke the mind to stir and create a mental picture of the scene that the story projects. It gives snippets of information that is just enough to let the readers imagination wonder. The story’s characters are also presented in such a way that the details of their personality and persona are revealed through their conversations and back stories without losing focus of the actual story’s timeline. The story in its self is also very engaging and the reader is glued to the next word of the next phrase of the next word while looking to have it unfold before the reader’s very eyes. The reader is left to anticipate and watch as the story unfolds. For this story in particular, the issues that are played out are done in a very classy manner and that the characters in themselves are able to tell a story for and of themselves while still able to have participation to the story as a whole. This paper aims to review and analyze Alice Walker’s story. Essentially, the main time line of the story occurs in less than a day, however it does go into several flashbacks. The story is told by a mother who initially describes her life, her former relationship with one daughter and her current relationship with another daughter. You don’t get a sense of who is speaking, or what the story is about until you are a paragraph or two into the story. This maybe considered a technique to keep the reader interested in toe story as a whole. Through the initial part of the story, you get a glimpse of what life was like at the time the story was set. You also get a look at how the mother’s children view her as well as a visualization o f how they transitioned to the current life they live through the mention of a fire in their former home. The initial part of the story also sets the pace and the mood for the rest of the story since the mood was a bit toned down but slowly exposes details as the story goes on. There was not really any big revelations regarding detail in the story until the later parts when her daughter cam to visit and exposed that she changed her name. The story depicts a much simpler time and place where the main character decides on many occasions not to trouble herself with too many details and not to fuss over trivial things. It also shows a kind of family bond that may be different from what most people know, but it is strong. Most of the story telling and narrating is one sided but the main character does provide us insight on the other characters of the story like her daughters, what they say to her, what they may think of her, as well as their descriptions and reactions to certain things. If reading in the sense of looking at the activities described in the story, it may seem like a rather mundane or shallow tale but if you dive deep into what the story is telling you, or what it is describing, or when it is set or even who the characters are, then you will be surprised to find a gold mine of information and rich depth. Although the story does not explicitly say this, the story is also about issues regarding African-Americans at the time they were trying to identify themselves. Although there were no directly mentioned

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Drugs and adolescents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Drugs and adolescents - Essay Example The environment where the discussion occurs is calm, quiet and discrete enough to facilitate a fruitful and engaging interview. Drug abuse generally refers to the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs with negative consequences (Conner, Bradley, Gerhard, Terry, and Ernest, 178). Our interview however does not dwell on the aspect of drug abuse that pertains to poor dosage from medical prescription and prescriptive drugs, but instead focuses on this use of drugs for such purposes as pleasure and fun among adolescents. From the onset, the impression I get from my interviewee is that adolescents get entangled in drug abuse for varied reasons, as are their perceptions of the act. A section of adolescents considers drugs abuse safe, depending on how much you consume and how you can handle yourself during and after consumption, others do not see any harm in having a good time anywhere, anyhow and anytime, while others consider drug abuse injurious to one’s wellbeing and long-term health. Some of the most commonly abused drugs amongst adolescents are valium, cocaine, crystal meth, glue, vapors, heroin, marijuana, tobacco, ether, steroids and alcohol. Students who abuse these drugs often obtain them from friends, fellow students who abuse and /or peddle the drugs or from the streets. Drug abuse among the youth and adolescents is common in un-parented parties and raves, with rates of consumption highest in the evenings and the morning after to lift off the hangovers (Conner, Bradley, Gerhard, Terry, and Ernest, 180). Some adolescents try drugs out of sheer curiosity. â€Å"These are the ones who have for instance, heard stories of fabulous experiences that are often associated with drug abuse from friends and acquaintances and so they crave to get a feel of it,† he adds. Others are not so much influenced by curiosity but by their peers who urge them to take a sip which after all will not kill. Eventually, the initiates are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Career Development Plan Part 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Career Development Plan Part 4 - Essay Example This paper analyses the new compensation plan at InterClean Corporation. A well structure compensation plan reduces employee turnover and increases corporate profits since it provides adequate incentive for an employee to increase their productivity. The old InterClean had a sales staff that got awarded a sales commission for the sales an employee obtained. This system force the employee to think about individual results, since the salesperson pay would increment based on his/hers achievements. Since the company offered simple product this was a viable strategy. This no longer applies to the new business model the company is implementing. Teamwork is now more important than ever and long term satisfaction of the customer is a strategic focus that must be pursed in order to achieve customer retention. In the solution based business follow up contracts with the clients generated a lot of income for the enterprise. There are two types of rewards systems that cam be used by a company. These two types of rewards are intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are positively valued work outcomes that the individual receives as a result of work outcomes, while extrinsic rewards are positively valued work outcomes that are given to an individual or group by some other person or source in the setting (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003). The total compensation plan the company will offer has to satisfy the needs of both the employee and the firm. The firm does not want to establish a plan that does not encourage professional development and teamwork. The new compensation plan the company will offer to its salespeople will be profit sharing plan with a group merit pay element as well as other individual incentives. In a profit sharing plan a company contributes a portion of its pre-tax profits to a pool that will be distributed among the eligible employees (Hr-guide, 2008). The profit sharing at InterClean will be calculated

Monday, July 22, 2019

Reflective Statement Essay Example for Free

Reflective Statement Essay For this module, we are required to do an assignment with regards of SME company. The purpose of writing the report is to analyze the key internal issues the management is likely to face when strategizing their marketing formula. Besides, we are also required to provide a practical recommendation for the company. For this project, the class was divided into 3 groups and each group consists of 3 members. My group members are Miss Tai Geok Yeong and Miss Sharanya. Discussions among group members were held 4 times, on the 29th October, 2nd November, 4th November and 6th November, respectively. Besides of our normal eeting in college, the discussions also were held through the MSN chat and email. Each of our group members was allocated with task and although conflicts arise during the discussion, we still managed to solve the problem. In my opinion, conflict in a group is not necessarily bad and we use several of techniques in order to resolve conflicts like compromising and exercises work delegation. Throughout completing the task CareKoolTint Sdn Bhd, I have gained lots of new information about SME and the company. In order to get more facts about the company, we held an interview with one of their sales representatives on 2nd November 2009. From the 1 hour interview, we managed to gather the information needed for this project, which for example are, their current marketing strategies and the companys internal issues. One important lesson I learnt from the interview is that, even though small firms is not properly structured, it does not mean that SMEs do not engage in marketing. It is only that, they are doing marketing according to their own terms and not according to a theoretical framework. Other than interviewing the sales representatives, my group and I also did a research based from their websites and also by reading books. It is important so that e will have a broader view on the business environment and help us to write the task more accurately. In order to complete the task, I read Marketing and Entrepreneurship in SMEs, Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler and Fundamentals of Management to have a better understanding about SME and its management as well as several websites related to the topic which for example SME Info Portal. This whole process, I believe has improved both my knowledge and skills. I learnt how to work with others as a team, it taught me how to compromise as I need to be open in accepting other people ideas or opinion and also in handling conflicts. In addition to that, basically, I am more knowledgeable on this topic. From the research, I discovered various type of SME in Malaysia which can classified under 3 category that are Primary Agriculture, Manufacturing (including Agro-Based) ; MRS, Services Sector (including CT) . Furthermore, I am also more aware on characteristics needed to be an entrepreneur, and one essential trait they must have is to be a risk taker. This is important as SME business environment is very uncertain and whenever they make a wrong decision, it may affect their business as a whole.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Factors Affecting Auditor Independence Accounting Essay

The Factors Affecting Auditor Independence Accounting Essay The issue of auditor independence is a crucial element and very important for the audit profession. This concept has been discussed widely and many definitions have been presented in literature. Independence refers to the auditors ability to present his opinion about the reliability of financial statements honestly and impartially away from his interest or the pressure of clients  [1]  (Ahmad, 1985). Literature has contemplated two standards for assessing auditor independence. Mautz sharaf(1961), who are among the pioneers in the study on auditors independence have developed a concept of independence with two components: practitioner-independence (independence in fact) and profession-independence (independence in appearance). The Public Oversight Board emphasized that the members of Certified Public Accountant firms should protect the profession by being independence both in fact and in appearance (Lowe et al, 1999). Independence in fact refers to the mental attitude of the auditor characterized by the integrity and the objective approach to the audit process. Also, the practitioner independence requires the auditor to be free from personal interest and susceptibility to excessive pressure  [2]  ( Moizer Sutton, 1997). However, since this mental process is unobservable and auditors also have incentives to violate their independence through satisfying their clients so as to maintain the economic bonding to the client  [3]  (DeAngelo, 1981), there is a need for the auditors to be perceived as independent(named independence in appearance) from the management team who prepares the financial statements. Orren (1997) states that independence in fact refers to the actual, objective relationship between auditing firms and their clients whereas independence in appearance is the subjective stated of that relationship as perceived by the clients and the third parties. Church and Zhang, (2002) argue that independence in fact is necessary to enhance the reliability of financial statements. On other hand, independence in appearance is necessary to promote public confidence such that users will rely on audited financial statements. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1979 asserts: The [auditor independence] issue is both one of appearance and of fact; if public confidence in the integrity of financial reporting is to be maintained, it is of the utmost importance that public confidence in the objectivity of independent auditors be similarly maintained. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Public Oversight Board, 1979): While it is, of course, essential that an auditor preserve his objectivity and integrity from his own viewpoint, commonly called independence in fact, it is also important that the auditor appear independent to all users of the financial information he provides. This latter concept is an essential ingredient to the value of the audit function because users of audit reports must be able to rely on the independent auditor. The need for Auditors independence Independence is an important auditing standard because the auditor adds justification and credibility to financial statement even when there are no material misstatements or omissions in the financial statements prepared by management (okolie 2007). The author Gupta (1999) is of opinion that is auditor is not independent of management; his opinion would mean nothing to shareholders, prospective investors, bankers, government agencies, and others who are concerned with the financial statements of a company. The author Ezeipe(2004) describes the concept of auditors independence in three dimensions  [4]  : Programme independence: Sometimes client manager have the intention to restrict or modify the procedures that the auditor want to perform. Thus auditors should always remain free from interference of client managers. Reporting Independence: The auditor should never let any feelings of loyalty towards the client to affect his work. He must fully and fairly disclose his obligations. Management are never allowed to pressurize the auditor. Investigative Independence: The auditor should have access to all necessary materials required on the content of an audit. For example, the auditor must have access to books and records; also active co-operation from management personnel during audit examination is required (salehi 2009). Factors affecting auditor independence In theory, there are many factors that affect independence of an auditor and these factors which have been studied can be: The effects of gifts The purchase of discounts arrangement The audit firm size The provision of management advisory services by the audit firm The client financial condition The nature of conflict issue The audit firms tenure The degree of competition in the audit services market The size of the audit fees The audit committee Practising non-audit services by auditors In this study, only factors such as the provision of non audit services, the audit firm size, the audit firms tenure, the degree of competition in the audit services market, the size of audit fees and non audit fees and the audit committee will be analysed and whether these factors will impair or enhance auditors independence. The provision of non audit services by auditors Audit failures  [5]  reported in the past have affected the profession of auditor worldwide because the interests of shareholders and stockholders have not been safeguarded. This problem has arisen as a result of the provision of non-audit services (Salehi and Moradi 2010). Non- audit services can be any services other than audit that an auditor provides to an audit client. Over the late 20th century, demand for business expert services has increased, wattington and Pany (2001) identified the different range of services which are offered by auditors to private and public sectors and these non-audit services include: training, services for payroll, risk management advice, mergers and acquisition, taxation, public offering, portfolio monitoring, recruitment and human resources and corporate governance. An auditor needs to pay much attention when both audit and non-audit services are provided to the same client, because these non-audit services may threaten the independence of auditor. Although there are market-based incentives for auditors to remain independent, there are also forces that potentially threaten auditor independence. Specifically, the SEC is concerned about two effects of non-audit services. One is a fear that non-audit service fees make auditors financially dependent on their clients, and hence less willing to stand up to management pressure for fear of losing their business  [6]  . The other is that the consulting nature of many non-audit services puts auditors in managerial roles, potentially threatening their objectivity about the transactions they audit. Auditors services relationship raises two types of independence concerns. First, the more the auditor has at stake in its dealing with the audit client, particularly when the non-audit services relationship has the potential to generate significant revenues on top of the audit relationship. Second, certain types of non-audit services, when provided by the auditor, create inherent conflicts that are incompatible with objectivity. In the United States, the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 implemented a ban on nine non-audit services which include: Bookkeeping and other services related to the audit clients accounting records or financial statements. Financial information systems design and implementation Appraisal or valuation services and fairness opinions Actuarial services Internal audit services Management functions Human resources Broker-dealer services Legal services Ojo (2009) suggested that the provision of non- audit services by audit firms does not necessarily affect auditor independence. However, where the fees generated from non-audit services are relatively high (in proportion to the audit fees earned by such accounting firms), this creates a situation whereby the auditors independence is likely to be compromised since the auditor may be denied profitable contracts  [7]  where he gives a qualified opinion on the financial statement being audited. Proponents of the provision of audit services argue that synergies of knowledge spill over and audit efficiency arise from providing both audit and non- audit services. Nevertheless, following the collapses, auditing profession as a whole has been affected and changes were proposed to ensure that audit firms reduce their over-reliance on NAS (The Star, 2002). In order to ensure the independence of auditors and to protect the interest of investors, the accounting profession in most countries has come up with a code of ethics that spells out guidelines for auditors competency and independence. Audit committee An audit committee consists of a selected number of members of a companys board of directors whose main duties are to help auditors remain independent of management (Arens at al, 1999), that is, committee should support the auditor instead of management in different audit disputes. Braiotta (1999) and Goldman (1974) maintained that audit committees could monitor the financial reporting process and provide recommendations in the selection of auditors, negotiation of fees and termination of external auditors, which would ultimately diminish managements power over the auditor. Thus, the audit committee is anticipated to ensure that the firm has sufficient internal controls, proper accounting policies, and independent external auditors that will prevent the incidence of fraud and promote high quality and timely financial statements. The members who participate in the audit committee can be non-executive directors, corporate managers, academicians and retired partners of CPA firms (Knapp, 1987). In the U.S., the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman, Levitt (2000) pointed out that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦qualified, committed, independent and tough-minded audit committees represent the most reliable guardians of the public interest SEC requires Audit Committees to evaluate the independence of the companys external auditor when deciding whether or not to hire the auditor for providing non-audit services. In so doing, Audit Committees also are encouraged to consider how the auditor provided non-audit services may improve audit quality and enhance auditor independence. Size of audit firm  [8]   The size of audit firm is an essential characteristic that reflects auditor independence. Auditor reputation is directly associated with audit quality. Large audit firms will make sure to provide an independent quality audit service as the larger audit firms tend to have better research facilities and efficient financial resources, more advanced technology and more skilled employees who will be able to undertake large company audits compare to smaller audit firms. Large audit firms have larger client portfolios which enable them to resist management pressures whereas small firms provide personalised services as their client portfolios are limited and they have to succumb to management requirements (Lys and Watts, 1994). The issue of maintaining auditor independence is more crucial for smaller firms than larger firms. Pearson (1980) found the larger size of audit firms will enhance auditors independence, because, smaller firms would experience more difficulty in resisting client pressures in situations of conflict. As a result, the information content of audit reports certified by large firms is considered to be more and reliable than those of smaller audit firms  [9]  (Titman and Trueman, 1986). However, as pointed out by Goldman Barlev (1974), it cannot be concluded that large CPA firms are more resistant to pressures from their clients. This is so because the few court cases which challenge the assumption that CPA firms acted independently indicate that there is no guarantee that large CPA firm has the ability to resist pressures from clients, as happened with Arthur Andersen and Enron  [10]  . Level of competition in audit service industry Competition  [11]  has been identified as an external factor affecting auditor independence (Shockley 1981). Many firms which operate in an intensely competitive environment may have difficulty remaining independent as the client can easily acquire services of another auditor. The  [12]  AICP Cohen Commission (1978) in its report affirms that there are excessive competitions among public accounting firms and this excessive competition among different firms has been consistently identified as a factor threatening auditor independence  [13]  (Farmer et al., 1987). . Shockley (1981) had found that audit firms operating in an environment characterized by a high level of competition for audit clients would have a greater risk of decreasing their audit independence than where audit firms operated in a low-competition environment. However as suggested by Linberg and Beck (2004), Competition in the audit market makes the auditor more careful and concerned with the audit assurance level in their services. Tenure of an audit firm serving the needs of a given client An audit firms tenure refers to the length of time required to fill the audit needs of a given client. A lengthy association between a company and an accounting firm is likely to result a close identification of the firm with the interests of its clients, thus an independent action by the accounting firm become difficult. (U.S. Senate 1976). The author Mautz Sharaf (1961) added that after a long association, less rigorous audit actions, complacency and confidence in the client may arise. However, long auditor tenure may lead to a cozy relationship between the client and the auditor ad this may impair auditor independence due to a decrease in the auditors due-diligence and also becomes more prepared to turn a blind eye to inappropriate managerial actions. On the other hand, long auditor tenure is beneficial as auditors gain expertise in the field they audit and may reduce the auditors ability to detect irregularities or material misstatements (Gul et al., 2009) Size of audit and non audit fees The IFACs Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (1996, para 8.7) propose that client size which is measured from size of fees could raise doubts as independence of auditor is concerned. The EFAA (October, 1998, p.4) clearly states that, the (total) fee from one client should not exceed a certain percentage of the total turnover of the audit firm. In cases of accounting scandals (for example Enron and WorldCom), the audit firm appeared to be in collusion with the management in hiding fraudulent activities. The major factor behind such reservation was the amount that the auditors received as non-audit fees from these clients. Anderson, the auditor for Enron, received US dollar 27 million as non audit fees in addition to US dollar 23 million as audit fees. The fact that the accounting firm received more than half of its Enron revenue from NAS gives an appearance of a lack of independence in the audit (Flaming 2002). In addition, the fees for non-audit services has also increased substantially and are more profitable than fees from audit services, thus strengthening the economic bond and substantially lead to impairment of AI . The regulatory bodies in the U.S. like the SEC, the POB and the AICPA emphasized that significant high non audit fees can negatively affect auditor independence and also impair auditor decision-making, when those decisions involve a substantial amount of professional judgment. In Malaysia the MIA By-Law (Section B-1.98 on Professional Independence) has emphasized that if the total fees (arising from assurance and non-assurance services) generated by one assurance client or its related entities exceed 15% of the firms total fees in each year over two consecutive financial periods, financial dependency shall be considered to exist, in which case, a self-interest threat to independence is created. In such event, the only course of action is to refuse to perform or withdraw from the assurance engagement. This 15% criterion has also been the level generally used by the ICAEW and Australia at which auditors have to consider their independent position.

Ford Motor Company: Challenges and Opportunities

Ford Motor Company: Challenges and Opportunities The purpose of the following report is to identify the most significant problems facing the Ford Motor Corporation and recommend a course of action that most adequately resolves the challenges of todays marketplace. It begins by outlining three of the major challenges facing the Ford Motor Company: Fords current business plan is not as financially and environmentally sustainable as it could be. Global economic markets are performing far worse than Ford had expected in prior planning. Fords market share in developing foreign markets is lower than desired. The report recommends that Ford should focus on creating a more financially and environmentally sustainable business model by developing energy efficient and environmentally sustainable automobile models in every vehicle class. These models should be developed without significant increases in consumer cost or decreases in overall performance. This is to be accomplished by revamping Fords research and development program. Some potentially promising areas of research include hybrid electric vehicles, natural gas vehicles, and electric vehicles. Ford has the opportunity to make the most progress by focusing on hybrid vehicle research and development. This is to be done by redirecting other RD expenditures and efforts, scaling back production to free up additional funds, initiating a new public relations campaign to inform consumers about the new sustainable Ford plan, and creating partnerships with leading technology and engineering firms. The report then presents an ethical screen outlining the moral considerations this course of action entails. While the creation of a more sustainable business model builds upon Fords ethical commitments, the loss of jobs resulting from proposed production and retail facility closures conflicts with these principles. And while a course of action that brings about greater job losses to Ford employees is less than ideal, it arises from market conditions. Lack of action may result in even greater job losses on a long-term scale. In this way, the recommended course of action resonates with the ethical commitments outlined in Fords Mission Statement. A feasibility report discusses Fords ability to achieve these goals. As of 2007, the Ford Motor Company maintained the second highest RD budget in the world, with a hybrid vehicle program already well underway. In the year 2000, Ford unveiled the first U.S. made hybrid-vehicle, an accomplishment that sets Ford apart from its U.S. competitors. This report concludes that Ford possesses adequate resources and abilities to reach these new goals. A cost-benefit analysis then weighs potential losses against gains that may arise from this plan. The proposed course of action is high-risk is cost-intensive, however the potential benefits of increased income outweigh the expenditures Ford stands to lose while pursuing this goal and the equally high-risk option of failing to act on this pressing challenge and opportunity. Finally, the report outlines a preliminary budget, timeline, and a step-by-step course of action. Overall, the proposed plan is intended to cost Ford little in terms of net expenditure, and should be completed in its entirely by the year 2015. Position The Ford Motor Company is one of the largest automotive manufactures in the world (OICA). Founded in 1903 by Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company is currently one of Americas Big Three auto manufacturers, along with Chrysler and General Motors (Datamonitor 13). As of 2009, Fords net worth in assets was $222.977 billion (Ford 67). Fords market capitalization in 2006 was reported at just over $13 billion (Kiley), and the companys total equity as of 2009 stands at negative $17.311 billion (Ford 67). Debt notwithstanding, Ford stands apart from Chrysler and GM as the only Big Three manufacturer to not seek bankruptcy or government bailout since the onset of the current financial recession. Ford has incorporated Lincoln Mercury, Volvo, Aston Martin and one-third of Mazda into its brand roster. Fords Mission Statement is titled the One Ford Mission. It is divided into three parts One Team, One Plan, One Goal and is included in this reports Appendix on page 17. Ford strives to be one of the leading automotive manufacturers in the world, and to sustain this position for generations to come. Furthermore, Ford strives to provide its consumers with an affordable, ethical, and quality product. There are a number of key stakeholders that rely on the Ford brand, including financial investors, consumers, and large companies and government organizations that depend on Ford to maintain reliable fleets of vehicles (Datamonitor 14). Challenges to Ford While the Ford Motor Companys influence on the automotive industry is undeniable, a wide variety of challenges are preventing Ford from capitalizing on the opportunities presented by todays shifting economic and social landscapes. Three of these challenges will be outlined in the following section. They are listed in order of priority. Fords current automobile models are not as energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable as they could be. William Clay Ford Jr. echoes the sentiments of Ford Motor Companys Mission Statement in a recent interview: For us, sustainability is not just about the environment if you dont have a sustainable business model, none of the rest matters (Bonini and Kaas). Ford prides itself as a company built both on innovation as well as ethical responsibility. Yet Ford trails significantly behind Toyota in terms of hybrid technology and GM in terms of larger-class hybrid vehicles (Carr-Ruffino and Acheson 21). With no hybrid or alternative energy models of its own in several vehicle classes, Ford has much ground to cover in becoming a leader in environmental sustainability. Global economic markets are performing far worse than Ford had expected in prior planning. This poor planning has resulted in a $34.3 billion debt that strains Fords already tight budget (Ford 28). Compounding these problems, consumer confidence is, in turn, exasperatingly low (Datamonitor 9) with most consumers unwilling to make large purchases until markets improve. While government incentives such as the so-called cash-for-clunkers legislation and tax-credits for hybrid vehicle owners have helped American auto manufacturers weather unusually low sales figures, these fixes are temporary (U.S. Department of Energy). Fords market share in developing foreign markets is lower than desired. While Ford posted a 1.1% gain in domestic market shares this year (16.1% up from 15.0% at the close of 2008), the company remains fourth in total global sales behind Toyota, GM, and Volkswagen (OICA) and possesses only 2.0% of all automotive sales in the companys South Asia Africa sector, which includes the rapidly emerging markets of China and India (Ford 19). While Ford ultimately must address all of these challenges to remain competitive and fulfill its Mission Statement, the remainder of this report will focus on how Ford can create more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable automobiles. In so doing, Ford stands to develop consumer acquisitions and brand loyalty by addressing rapidly changing needs of consumers and other stakeholders. Consumer Needs Research is showing that more and more consumers do not want to own cars that are not fuel-efficient. This is due to financial as well as ethical considerations (Prickett 29). Rising gas prices are increasing the importance of fuel-efficiency for consumers (Bonini and Kaas) and governments are willing to offer incentives to consumers in exchange for their purchases of more fuel-efficient vehicles. As the U.S. economy is based largely on fossil fuel usage and as increasing scarcity is beginning to characterize fossil fuel sources worldwide there is social interest vested in increasing overall reliance on sustainable energy sources. To remain competitive, Ford must not only acknowledge this future, but embrace it. Domestic and global auto-manufacturers stand to gain a competitive edge if Ford does not act on this changing consumer need quickly. More and more hybrid models emerge every year, with GM leading the way in larger hybrid vehicle models (Carr-Ruffino and Acheson). Chinas government and domestic auto-manufacturers have made it clear that they intend to make China the next center of hybrid and light vehicle construction (Gallagher). The clock is ticking and Fords window of opportunity is closing. Sustainability at Ford Ford must work to create sustainable models in all vehicle classes. These models must compare to conventional counterparts in terms of ticket price. On top of this, Ford must ensure that public infrastructure can adequately support these innovations so that consumers are not burdened with new operating complications, costs, or maintenance issues. Potentially promising areas of development include hybrid vehicles, natural gas vehicles, and electric vehicles (Bonini and Kaas). Hybrid vehicles present the least complicated fix in terms of infrastructure and consumer familiarity compared to other alternative fuel types. And while all options must be explored, Fords first step is to focus on developing and expanding its hybrid program. Fords hybrid program is already well underway, and would require less allocation of resources to build upon in comparison with other areas of research and development. Revamping Fords hybrid program will require significant financial commitments. In markets that already leave little breathing room for addition expenditure, this report recommends that Ford funnel all research and development funds into innovating Fords hybrid program. Ford must also develop cooperative RD facilities with leading energy firms, government research groups, and NGOs to save on costs and consolidate resources and knowledge. In addition, Ford should continue scaling back production to meet the lower demands of recession markets (Canis and Platzer) and redirect most of these savings into an expanded RD program. By making these changes in tandem with a massive PR campaign, Ford stands to gain considerable market shares both domestically and abroad (Byron). And while this recommendation is high-risk, the history of the Ford Motor Company demonstrates that Ford functions best when setting itself apart from competitors and taking risks. The Ford Motor Company was build on big thinking and technological innovation (Wren and Greenwood 73), and it is through these methods that Ford will overcome the most pressing challenges of todays market. Benefits to Sustainability Ethical screen. The notion of a more environmentally friendly Ford Motor Company is not only ethically compatible with Fords Mission Statement, it reaffirms and builds upon it. At the same time, there are consequences to this course of action that contain further ethical considerations. Due to the proposed closing of several production and retail facilities, a number of Ford employees stand to lose their jobs. This move is extremely unwelcome in a nation with an unemployment rate already averaging 9.7% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Ford stands to suffer from bad publicity and to potentially contradict the ethical commitments outlined in its mission statement. This course of action, however, is necessitated by recession markets and does not represent the ultimate intentions of the Ford Motor Company. The strategy of creating a more sustainable Ford is intended to protect the job security of all Ford employees on a long-term basis (i.e. the creation of a more sustainable business model). It is the conclusion of this report, therefore, that this course of action complies with and upholds the ethical commitments outlined in Fords mission statement. Feasibility analysis. In terms of pure research, hybrid technology is fairly well understood and is already utilized by the Ford Motor Company. Focus must be placed on improving hybrid efficiency, performance, and reliability, as well as maintaining affordable costs to consumers. Furthermore, Fords RD facilities are top-notch and already working to develop Fords hybrid program. As of 2007, Ford had the second-largest research and development budget in the world at approximately $8 billion annually (Vijayenthiran). Additionally, Ford was the first auto-manufacturer to offer a U.S.-made hybrid vehicle (in the year 2000) (Carr-Ruffino and Acheson). Based on this information, it is entirely feasible that Ford can produce additional landmark models in the near future provided that adequate resources and proper strategies are applied towards revamping its current hybrid RD program. Cost-Benefit Analysis. There are a number of initial costs that Ford must account for in order to properly execute this course of action. Costs must be covered immediately and will rely on the success of several preliminary budget-saving steps. That said, the total price of developing hybrid models for all vehicle classes is intended to be accounted for through internal budget recoveries; reductions in production costs are meant to reduce the need for increased net spending. The potential benefits of these investments far outweigh initial costs, but are long-term and may not bring significant returns until the entirety of the plan is completed. And while this proposal is financially risky, the current problems facing the Ford Motor Company its potential inability to respond to the challenges and opportunities of a changing marketplace are dire enough that the competitiveness of the company itself is at risk. In this sense, these costs should not only be considered investments, but preventative measures. Costs: public relations campaign: $300 million annually includes costs due to advertising in print, television, radio, and internet media, partnerships with non-profit organizations, market research, and product promotions; revamped RD facilities: $700 million annually includes costs due to equipment, larger research/design staff, new/upgraded facilities, fair-use of patents and other legal expenses, materials, and partnerships with technology firms, government research groups, and NGOs. Total costs: approximately $1 billion annually for the next five years. Monetary benefits: A report from 2009 estimates that by 2015 the global hybrid vehicle market will have risen by 31.3% and be valued at around $67.7 billion (Global Markets Direct). In 2009 the U.S. market comprised 47.5% of all hybrid vehicles sold worldwide (or a predicted $32.16 billion annually in 2015, if the U.S. market share remains the same). Of these 2009 sales, Toyota has currently sequestered the highest market share of 72% percent (R.L Polk Co.). If Ford succeeds in obtaining the highest U.S. market share in prospected hybrid sales by 2015 and if this market share is roughly the same as Toyotas first-ranked share in 2009 Ford could earn up to $23.15 billion in hybrid vehicle sales in 2015 in the U.S. alone (72% of $32.16 billion). While this estimate is extremely rough and represents a very high performance in terms of Fords future hybrid sales, it illustrates the potential monetary benefits that may result from focusing on hybrid development over the next several year s. Other benefits: Financial and environmental sustainability should be considered tremendous benefits in their own right. It is through both that Ford ensures future competitiveness and remains true to its Mission Statement. Recommendations for Ford This report recommends the following steps to achieve success in its goal of creating a more sustainable Ford Motor Company. First, Ford must begin a PR campaign focused on educating consumers about the current status of the automotive industry and to raise awareness about the future Ford is helping to build. The campaign should focus both on consumers who, in general, already look favorably on hybrid vehicles, as well as those who may be skeptical about hybrid performance, cost, and feasibility on a larger scale. Ford must use this campaign to unveil to consumers its five-year plan to create a more sustainable Ford. This should begin immediately and be fully operational after a transition period of no more than four full quarters. Ford should continue this campaign until the Ford brand is synonymous with sustainability. A total of around $300 million per year (from an estimated $1 billion gleaned annually from facility closures) will be allocated towards the development and maintena nce of this new PR campaign. Market research teams will evaluate the success of this campaign twice per quarter. The PR campaign will be considered a success once the Ford brand is recognized above all global competitors as the leader in sustainability and hybrid vehicle production. Second, Ford must begin to significantly scale back production. This should be completed within the next four quarters. While the PR campaign should begin immediately, it may take several months for Ford to assess which production and retail facilities are most extraneous. Qualified workers can be transferred to different positions at RD facilities and public relations departments (Ford will begin recruiting internally). This step will be considered successful once Ford has reduced its production costs by a goal of around $1 billion annually. Managers will monitor the progress of facility closures with goals set at reducing operating costs by about $250 million annually per quarter for the next four quarters. Third, Ford must immediately direct newly acquired funds towards revamping its RD program and focusing this program upon the development of hybrid technologies. This should be completed within the next four quarters and will utilize an additional $700 million annually (gleaned from the estimated $1 billion in reduced annual operating expenses). Achievement teams will assess the growth of Fords hybrid RD program twice per quarter, ensuring that a gain of at least $175 million in addition annual RD funds are available at the end of each quarter. Fourth, Ford must begin to develop relationships and partnerships with leading energy firms. By creating cooperative RD facilities where research tasks, budgets and innovations are shared Ford stands to make significant strides at lower costs and accelerated rates. By sequestering their cooperation early on, Ford stands to gain a competitive edge against competitors. Ford must gain cooperative relationships with the majority of leading energy and engineering firms such as General Electric and Lockheed Martin as well as non-government organizations and federal research groups like the EPAs National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) in Ann Arbor, Michigan (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Costs and evaluations will be incorporated into expanded RD departments. Fifth, Ford must unveil several new models of hybrid vehicles in all vehicle class types. This should be accomplished completely by 2015, followed by the eventual discontinuation or transformation of existing conventional-engine-models in years to follow. Hybrid models should cost no more than current conventional counterparts, and perform comparatively. Vehicle design budgets will be incorporated into expanded RD departments. The challenges facing the Ford Motor Company are great, but will be overcome through innovation and an increased dedication towards environmental and financial sustainability. Ford has repeatedly acted as a revolutionary force throughout history, and it is only through equally radical revolutions and innovations that Ford can help usher a new era in the global automotive industry.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution :: American America History

The Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period in history when mankind found innovative and efficient ways of producing goods, manufacturing services and creating new methods of transportation. This not only revolutionized the way the market system functioned, but also changed the way people perceived their status in society and what they required as basic necessities. However, the price that humanity was forced to pay for the emergence of the Industrial Revolution greatly outweighed the rewards that accompanied it. Prior to the Industrial Age, the Western European market operated on a simple "putting-out" system. The average producer was able to manufacture a product in the same area that he or she lived on and the demand for that product was usually set by a few local consumers. The process was easy and simple, provided that the product being created was always required by someone else. However, the invention of Machinery and all of its accompanying peripherals allowed producers to start manufacturing on a mass scale. With factories placed in central locations of the townships (known as centralization), the previous system was dismantled and categorized into steps. No longer would one person be required to build, market or transport their product since the new system introduced the art of specialization. Specialization allowed a person to perform a single task and guarantee them wages as a source of income. However, as wonderful as this might seem, this new system led to the emergence of a n working class (proletariat) and forced them to depend on market conditions in order to survive as producers. Although seemingly content at first, those who became employed by these factories were immediately subjected to deplorable conditions. Arnold Toynbee made a scholarly assessment of this new wave of socio-economic behavior and concluded that the working class is suffering due to a series of hardships that make their lives miserable. He cited low wages, long hours, unsafe conditions, no provisions for old age, a discipline determined by machine and whole families being left with a low income rate as being a recurring problem that exploited the integrity and efficiency of Industrialization. This subsequently led to a period of "depersonalization" which meant that the employer-employee relationship was deteriorating in exchange for this new system. No longer could a worker befriend his boss or maintain a stable friendship since the divisions between their market classes made this al most impossible. One relied on the other for subsistence and therefore this dependency gave the property owners an upper edge in terms of negotiating income and support.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Mortality The weight of one's mortality and the complexities of life and death are introduced from the beginning of Hamlet. In the wake of his father's death, Hamlet can't stop pondering and considering the meaning of life — and its eventual ending. Many questions emerge as the text progresses. What happens when you die? If you're murdered, then will you go to heaven? Do kings truly have a free pass to heaven? In Hamlet's mind the idea of dying isn't so bad. It's the uncertainty of the afterlife that frightens Hamlet away from suicide, even though he's obsessed with the notion. A turning point for Hamlet occurs in the graveyard scene in Act V. Before, Hamlet has been appalled and revolted by the moral corruption of the living. Seeing Yorick's skull (someone Hamlet loved and respected) propels Hamlet's realization that death eliminates the differences between people. The sheer number of bodies at the end of Hamlet can be misleading. Even though eight of the nine primary characters die, the question of mortality is not fully answered. The questions about death, suicide, and what co...

Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader Essa

The life of Amir Abd el-Kader was marked by a litany of difficult decisions— questions of whether to respond to violence and oppression strongly or weakly, to remain unyielding in retaliation or to surrender and, in doing so, stop unnecessary death. Upon closer analysis, the challenges and decisions which confronted the Amir are not so drastically different from more modern concerns of international intervention or political upheaval. In reading of the Amir’s life and prior to this, the Ghost Dance of the Lakota people and the development of the Khalsa in the Sikh religion, there has been a desire to identify and separate religious responses to suffering from other, equally legitimate but perhaps more seemingly political, economic, or militaristic responses. This categorization is useful for a society that has, since the enlightenment, become increasingly compartmentalized, ever seeking to separate actions and responses according to their perceived motivations. But, when looking to the life of Abd el-Kader, whose actions often seem to defy such categorization, it becomes difficult to see the divides separating religious responses from humanitarian, political, economic, militaristic, or personal ones as anything more substantial than convenient and occasionally, dangerous fictions. In order to discuss the ways in which Abd el-Kader’s actions complicate notions of religious response, this essay will focus on two of the Amir’s responses / actions: the 1847 surrender to French forces and the Amir’s intervention to rescue Christians living in Damascus in 1860. On the most fundamental levels, both actions contest traditional notions regarding the purpose of jihad and the edicts outlined in hadiths; both represent what seem to be personal transformations in the Amir’s reaction to non-Muslin oppressors; both demonstrate a desire to negotiate Muslim traditions and beliefs with a world which was quickly becoming more globalized. In both cases, the actions of the Amir reflect the concerns faced by almost all religious communities: All religious communities face this tension between religious inspiration and religious action †¦ The troubled waters that need to be navigated in this global age lie between two shores: Respecting the right and reality of religious conviction and motivation and recognizing the problem of religious action in the pluralistic... ...s of a deep, personal regret. Regardless of the motivation / category of response, the Amir’s words mark the conclusion of a long progression, from the 24-year-old who claimed that â€Å"paradise is found in the shadow of the sword.† The progression of Abd el-Kader’s method of response to the suffering of the Muslim people, presents challenges to the categorization of religious response and the extent to which divisions between religious, political, humanitarian, and personal responses to suffering, both for the individual and for the community, can be realistically determined. While it seems obvious that there are numerous complex and perhaps even contradictory motivations driving a single response, perhaps the more pertinent question to consider, at least in terms of religious studies, is the way such classifications limit or enable the justification of the response. Works Cited Heck, Paul L. "Jihad Revisited.† Journal of Religious Ethics. 32.1 (2004): 95-128. Kiser, John. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader. Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing, 2008. McClatchy, J.D. "Jihad." Poetry. 180.6 (September 2002): 311-312. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader Essa The life of Amir Abd el-Kader was marked by a litany of difficult decisions— questions of whether to respond to violence and oppression strongly or weakly, to remain unyielding in retaliation or to surrender and, in doing so, stop unnecessary death. Upon closer analysis, the challenges and decisions which confronted the Amir are not so drastically different from more modern concerns of international intervention or political upheaval. In reading of the Amir’s life and prior to this, the Ghost Dance of the Lakota people and the development of the Khalsa in the Sikh religion, there has been a desire to identify and separate religious responses to suffering from other, equally legitimate but perhaps more seemingly political, economic, or militaristic responses. This categorization is useful for a society that has, since the enlightenment, become increasingly compartmentalized, ever seeking to separate actions and responses according to their perceived motivations. But, when looking to the life of Abd el-Kader, whose actions often seem to defy such categorization, it becomes difficult to see the divides separating religious responses from humanitarian, political, economic, militaristic, or personal ones as anything more substantial than convenient and occasionally, dangerous fictions. In order to discuss the ways in which Abd el-Kader’s actions complicate notions of religious response, this essay will focus on two of the Amir’s responses / actions: the 1847 surrender to French forces and the Amir’s intervention to rescue Christians living in Damascus in 1860. On the most fundamental levels, both actions contest traditional notions regarding the purpose of jihad and the edicts outlined in hadiths; both represent what seem to be personal transformations in the Amir’s reaction to non-Muslin oppressors; both demonstrate a desire to negotiate Muslim traditions and beliefs with a world which was quickly becoming more globalized. In both cases, the actions of the Amir reflect the concerns faced by almost all religious communities: All religious communities face this tension between religious inspiration and religious action †¦ The troubled waters that need to be navigated in this global age lie between two shores: Respecting the right and reality of religious conviction and motivation and recognizing the problem of religious action in the pluralistic... ...s of a deep, personal regret. Regardless of the motivation / category of response, the Amir’s words mark the conclusion of a long progression, from the 24-year-old who claimed that â€Å"paradise is found in the shadow of the sword.† The progression of Abd el-Kader’s method of response to the suffering of the Muslim people, presents challenges to the categorization of religious response and the extent to which divisions between religious, political, humanitarian, and personal responses to suffering, both for the individual and for the community, can be realistically determined. While it seems obvious that there are numerous complex and perhaps even contradictory motivations driving a single response, perhaps the more pertinent question to consider, at least in terms of religious studies, is the way such classifications limit or enable the justification of the response. Works Cited Heck, Paul L. "Jihad Revisited.† Journal of Religious Ethics. 32.1 (2004): 95-128. Kiser, John. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader. Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing, 2008. McClatchy, J.D. "Jihad." Poetry. 180.6 (September 2002): 311-312.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Educating Essex Essay

Dear editor, I am writing to you because I find it impossible to understand why ‘Educating Essex’ represents teenagers in this such way to society today, it only makes an impression of them, that â€Å"all Britain’s teenagers are goby, impolite, spoilt and lacking enough self-discipline to interact with anyone. † This supports stereotypes of modern reckless teens, when in reality â€Å"the majority of Britain’s teenagers are interesting, polite and simply brilliant young people quietly going about the business of creating a bright future for themselves. On ‘Educating Essex’ I have witnessed many negative things that show teenagers in a bad way, such as students walking across a table, pupils on mobile phones, swearing at each other and teachers, cyber-bullying, teenage pregnancy and young girls caked with make-up, even the introduction is very negative towards teenagers. This shows that all teenagers don’t behave in school and do not care about their education and future, but majority of students are not like that, most of them are fun-loving, active and mature for their age. I think the reason for their behaviour are the cameras, as most of them want to show off and think it’s a good idea to play up to them. ‘Educating Essex’ has only focused on the students that badly behave and cause the trouble all the time, but they haven’t showed the good side of teenagers, where they work hard in class, and behave because they are working to achieve the equivalent of five or more GCSE’s at grade A* to C. The programme only creates a fake image of a typical teenager, but certainly they do not act like that, and I know that because I am a student myself, and I’ve never seen this kind of behaviour in my school. I think that the Daily Mail article only focuses on the teachers in ‘Educating Essex’ and mostly points out the bad things teachers say and do. Also how they carry out the lesson, it shows how immature they are when they burst into a class and disturb the lesson just to sing happy birthday. Another teacher is shown; as the students are leaving his class he tells them â€Å"Clear off, scumbags†. In a different scene it shows when Mr Goddard hides behind his door as Mr Drew enters the room, he reaches out his arm around the door to welcome his deputy with a two-fingered gesture, and Mr Drew’s respond is â€Å" You are such a ****er†. In episode two, there is a scene shown of a girl called Carmelita, who accuses the deputy of assaulting her. At first she tells him to â€Å"get lost† and â€Å"shut up†, but in the end she gets excluded when he tells him to â€Å"**** off†. The deputy is cleared after the headtecher watches the CCTVcameras footage. Also the article mentions that â€Å"this sort of behaviour by pupils shouldn’t be allowed and there is extremely childish behaviour by the teachers, who are setting a very bad example for the pupils as they are likely to see the programme† in results of this the teenagers are influenced by what they see on the TV, and think it’s right to behave in this practical way, another influence are the teachers, as they set an example for the students. One more significant reason for child’s behaviour are the parents, because of the way they are bough up, if they have problems at home they will release their anger in school, on students and teachers. But essentially that article did not mention any positive things about teenagers. There were few positive things that I’ve witnessed on ‘Educating Essex’ but not many as I expected to be. I think one of them was when, they showed the students reflecting on what they have done wrong and teachers, because it’s great to hear both sides of the story, also the relationship between the teachers and students which doesn’t happen very often. Additionally how the teachers refused to give up on challenging the pupils, so they have a chance to achieve. But I think the programme should’ve showed more of the satisfactory students who are interesting, polite and clearly brilliant young people trying to achieve, to have a better future. The ‘Observer’ article has also only highlighted the bad points about teenagers, much the same as the ‘Daily Mail’ article. But it makes the reader hate teens, as they call them â€Å"gobby, spaced- out, bizarre† this only shows how selfish they are, and do not care about others. Also they point out how they dress and refer to girls as â€Å"spoiled brats†, and in my opinion they are allowed to do what they want, because it’s their own choice to look like that. I think that the programme doesn’t give a real image of teenagers today because, in my opinion everyone is different, and also because it only concentrated on the bad behaved student where on the other hand there is more students that work really hard on everything, and also contribute in society.